Determining your risk profile
Disclaimer: Lifetime Asset Management and their employees do not offer financial advice. This information below is general and does not constitute as personal advice.

Completing a risk profile questionnaire aims to help you understand your attitude towards investment risk and guide your thinking into which investment option may suit your needs.
Your attitude towards investment risk is one of the main factors when deciding how to invest your money.
The risk profile questions are intended as a guide only, if you would like to learn more about how to interpret your results we suggest setting up time with one of our team members.
Find an investing strategy that suits you best
Sorted is a free service by Te Ara Ahunga Ora Retirement Commission, the government-funded, independent agency dedicated to helping New Zealanders get ahead financially. They offer a number of free tools, including Investor Profiler that helps you find an investing strategy that suits you best, by determining the type of diversifed fund that suits your personality, situation and the timeframe you’re investing for.
Click on Get Started for a quick seven question survey. When you have completed the survey, the asset allocation suggested by the Sorted Profile will closely align with one or more of the Lifetime Funds below.
Sorted Profile |
Lifetime Fund |
Defensive | Lifetime Cash Fund |
50% Lifetime Cash Fund & 50% Lifetime Conservative Fund | |
Conservative | Lifetime Conservative Fund |
Lifetime Target Date 2025 Fund | |
Balanced | Lifetime Balanced Fund |
Lifetime Target Date 2035 Fund | |
Growth | Lifetime Growth Fund |
Lifetime Target Date 2045 Fund | |
Aggressive | Lifetime Active Growth Fund |
Want to Switch Funds?
If you would like to change the fund or funds you are currently invested in, click here for a switch form.
If you would like to discuss your Risk Profile outcome, we are happy to set up a time to go through your results and the fund choices available.
Contact us on 0800 254 338 or to set up a time to talk.